Tuesday, April 1, 2014

High School: The Belize Edition

Yesterday was my first day at San Pedro High School!  The school has a lot of similarities to New Hanover and also a lot of differences.  They don't call them freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors; instead, they're called form 1, form 2, form 3, and form 4.  The kids are separated into classrooms and stay in the same class with the same students all day and the teachers go from room to room to teach.  Needless to say, the students are extremely antsy and the classes seem to turn into a giant round of musical chairs with no winner.  The teachers all have desks in one big room and students are not allowed inside unless they are invited so there are usually students standing around the doors yelling their teachers' names.  The classes are generally in Spanglish with a little bit of Creole thrown in there too.  The teacher I'm working with is Ms. Andrea.  She's loud and wonderful!  She teachers 3 of the form 2 classes.  The class is a mix of geometry, algebra, and trigonometry, but she knows she won't be able to cover everything.  Unlike North Carolina, their final exam is made by the teacher so she just covers what she can.  Here's a picture of the outside of San Pedro High School and one of my classrooms!

The biggest difference at San Pedro High School is the cell phone policy.  The first day I thought that none of the students had cell phones, but then someone told me that if students are caught with their phones, then they lose it for an entire month.  I have not seen a student on a cell phone, even before or after school.

Besides high school, I've been spending my time lounging on the beach, chilling by the pool, and eating pineapples from Maria's fruit stand.  I've seen the sun rise the last two mornings when I went for runs on the beach, but didn't have my camera or phone to take a picture.  I'll make sure I do that soon, although I'm sure pictures won't do it justice!

Peace, love, and pineapples,
Elizabeth :)

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